• Renewable Energy

    Substantial Savings That Lasts For Decades

  • Overview

    One constant in our world is the need for a reliable, affordable supply of electricity. While utility companies provide a consistent supply, they have failed residents on affordability and could be more environmentally friendly. Several California utility companies have seen over a 100% increase in the past two decades!


    The recent past has seen a promising solution for less expensive electricity without jeopardizing reliability—clean energy in the form of rooftop solar. A steep decline in solar technology costs has allowed thousands of homeowners to install clean energy and greatly reduce their electric utility bill. Coupled with supportive interconnection policies, homeowners can use this clean, affordable electricity day and night.

    How Does It Work?

    Solar is an excellent way to reduce your electricity rate, no-matter which way you go. We will help you decide whether owning or leasing works best. No matter what you decide, both options will save you thousands!

    Ownership is best if you:

    • Want to maximize long term savings
    • Pay enough tax to receive the 30% federal tax credit
    • Don't mind spending money out-of-pocket or taking on debt through a solar loan

    Non-Ownership is best if you:

    • Want all system maintenance and monitoring included
    • Only pay minimal federal income tax
    • Don't want to spend money out-of-pocket or take on debt through a solar loan