• Smart Home

    Easy Upgrades for Comfortable Green Living

  • Overview

    Heating and cooling account for 48% of a home's energy use. With utility rates in California, this is big money. While upgrading to the most efficient heating and cooling system is a smart choice, doing so can be expensive. An easier and more affordable way to cut your heating/cooling costs is to upgrade to a programmable thermostat.


    How Can I Save Money?

    Nest estimates that users save 10-12% on heating and 15% on cooling costs.

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    *Source: Nest. https://nest.com/downloads/press/documents/energy-savings-white-paper.pdf

    Sample Savings Calculation: Based on data from Nest and ENERGY STAR®, assuming all electric heat and a PG&E bill of $125, the average homeowner in the Bay area will save $88 per year on electricity installing Nest.